Bebe Stevens

The only thing better than being rich is being famous.

Name: Bebe Stevens
Age: 10-22 (Verse dependent)
Birthday: August 13th
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Lesbian
Bebe has always been one of the popular kids in school and even now in high school she sees herself as the head bitch in charge. She has a rough relationship with her boy peers ever since the boob incident, and because they are kind of idiots, but by now she used to it. But she’s pretty petty so she teases them a lot for a bit of revenge. Her relationship with her parents isn’t that great either since they want her to be a stay at home mom and rely on looks for her whole life but Bebe knows she wants more.She is well known for being a bitch and someone who is very hard to get close to. Not to mention having a smart mouth and a need to talk back a lot. But she is very extroverted and loves to have a good time, especially partying and clubbing. Due to her mentally harsh upbringing she can be a tad cruel at times, some would think that she cares more about a pair of shoes than some people’s well-being. But once you do actually get to know her she is very loyal and even nice.Bebe has long curly blonde hair and a tendency to lean towards red clothing and things that show a lot of skin, even though Colorado is fucking freezing. Always wears expensive name brand clothes and a few Gucci items as well as red bottom Louboutins. She’s tall, around 5’6 to 5’7, and basically has what other girls call a “perfect body” although it was obtained by unhealthy means. She actually doesn’t wear a ton of makeup but the normal amount for most people, foundation, blush, contour, always a red lip, neutral tones for eyeshadow, highlight, eyeliner and a lash. Y'know, the essentials.

Content warning: underage drinking, sex, and eating disorder

From a young age Bebe has always been told she was better than everyone else. Her parent treated her like a queen and never showed her any consequences for her actions. When the boob incident happened in 3rd grade it made her realize that all her life people will just give her things because of her beauty but that wasn’t what she wanted. Her mom however convinced her otherwise. Her mother would always tell her how fun she was able to live because of all the opportunities her good looks gave her and that god had given Bebe a gift that shouldn’t be neglected. After multiple talks like these Bebe decided that there was no reason for her not to use her looks to get what she wanted, after all it wasn’t her fault people were willing to give her free things or favors for no reason. So from then on she became confident in her looks and her abilities to get people, more specifically men, to do whatever she wanted.Both of her parents are very old school and believe that women need to stay at home and men should be the ones bringing home money. Of course Bebe never really bought into that which constantly frustrates her parents. Due to her mom’s experience of always being called super smart and funny just because of her looks she wanted to make sure Bebes future was just as lush. Her mother would go to extremely unhealthy lengths to make sure Bebe stayed just underweight enough to not cause concern. And with this kind of lifestyle Bebe now has OSFED.In middle school she established herself as someone who shouldn’t be fucked with. Her ego had grown so big that she didn’t care about other people. Sure she loved her friends but anyone who got on her bad side was dealt a heavy punishment. She would use gossip and insults to bring others down so that she could claim her place on the top of the food chain. It also didn’t help that she finally hit puberty she started to grow taller and have curves, making her even more irresistible to guys. The other girls in their class didn’t like how much attention she was getting from the boys and would call Bebe harsh names behind her back, which caused her to build walls around herself so that their words wouldn’t affect her. This was also when she was getting more rebellious with her parents and misbehaving more. She would sneak out of her house and go to college parties or to clubs in different cities.High school was almost the same. The rumors about her got even more extreme but Bebe couldn’t be bothered. The biggest difference was that in 9th grade she lost her virginity to a football player (I would say Clyde but like it depends on whether Clyde-muns are ok with that!). She honestly didn’t enjoy the experience but she thought that everyone first time was like that. During the girls regular sleepovers the topic of boys came up as it always did and so did sex. Some of the other girls said that their experience was awkward but all around amazing, which got Bebe nervous. She thought that maybe the football player was just bad at sex and so she slept with a few more guys, but she felt gross and dirty after each time. One night when she was out clubbing in Denver she was moderately drunk, but not smashed, and this girl started hitting on her. She was drunk and wasn’t really thinking so she started dancing with the girl and kissing her. One thing led to another and the two ended up having sex, and Bebe didn’t feel disgusting after. Which was a huge problem. When she got back home she was hardcore panicking and didn’t understand what this all meant. She wasn’t different. She was normal. Not gay. So she started sleeping around to try to force herself to feel something for guys, but nothing helped. After a football game she went home instead of out to party with everyone else and just laid on her bed and thought. She thought about how what she was doing wasn’t helping her and how there wasn’t anything wrong with being gay. So finally in the middle of 10th grade Bebe came out as a lesbian to her classmates but is very much still closeted at home.

High School: Main verseBebe pretty much runs this high school. She knows the gossip on everyone and has insulting comebacks that will sting so hard your grandchildren will feel them. But if you are on her good side she is very loyal and protective.Elementary School
Follows Canon when Bebe is 10 years old and in 4th grade.
Stick Of Truth
A thief after your man and his money.
Mafia AU
Hey bitch you wanna make some motherfucking money?

Name: [Redacted]
Nickname: Mistress
Class: Thief
While she is a thief in the convention way of just pick pocketing and break-ins she also stole in other ways. She is often known in the criminal word to leech off of wealthy men, who were usually married, which was how she got her nickname. Sure it was wrong to go after married men, but then men were just as at fault as she was. What was more hilarious was that she never even slept with any of the men, just kept stringing them along with promises and dirty talk. And that was enough to keep up her high class lifestyle. Besides feeding off of the wealthy she also did robberies for hire. There are plenty of people in this town who want something that belongs to someone else, and for her “small” price they can get it.She was orphaned at a young age due to her parents being extremely poor and having no way to take care of her. The orphanages were shit and not a common practice so the conditions she lived in were insanely unhealthy. And to top it off the man who ran it was an asshole and would hit the kids when they didn’t do something right or didn’t get something done fast enough. So when she was only 8 she ran away and snuck onto a train that took her to the Kingdom of Kupa Keep. Since the town had no orphanage she had nowhere to live, so she searched and found abandoned buildings that homeless people and travelers would take refuge in on the outskirts of the Kingdom. Despite being a young girl she was able to work various odd jobs due to the fact that the town needed more workers. But it was never enough to get a room at a motel and she lived from paycheck to paycheck. So she turned to stealing. She stole food and clothes from stores and straight out of people’s pockets as she walked the streets.At the age of 16 she was desperate to get more money to one day buy her own home and buy enough food, so she turned to prostitution. She made a decent living off of that and was able to stay in the local motel, finally moving out of the abandoned buildings. The town’s madam took pity on her, she had seen what she had gone through over the years and decided to have her be a part of her organization. And a sort of weird fucked up mother figure. But one night, when she was 18, a customer got too out of hand and sexually assaulted her, leaving her for dead in an ally. But was luckily found by another girl in the organization and was taken back to her motel room. From that day on she stopped having sex for money. She decided to make her money off of escorting wealthy men to dinners, balls, and parties and also being a thief for hire.

Age: Late 20's
Job: Madam
Her mother taught her from a young age that her looks could get her anything she wanted in life. She rejected the idea at first since she wanted to be noticed for her more than just her body, but after a while she realized she could have both. Boys at school would do anything for her because of how she looked, and girls would follow her anywhere because of how popular she was, and Bebe used this to her advantage. She used other people to do her dirty work for her like if another student got on her nerves then maybe they needed a visit from the school’s football team. If a girl was falling out of line then she would use her influence with the rest of the girls and have them shun and ridicule her. This was a way for Bebe to do whatever she wanted without any consequences, since technically she never laid a hand on anyone.Bebe wasn’t satisfied with just manipulating and holding power over her classmates, she wanted more. After she graduated, she went to South Park’s community college where she was able to make more connections. She quickly learned that the adults in South Park were no different from the teenage boys she manipulated before. She was able to get a group of girls from the college and form a prostitution ring. Bebe split the earning fairly and never hurt any of her girls which motivated the girls to keep working, and after a while they were making quite a profit. The news got out to other women on the streets and joined Bebe’s group. Soon most of the girls selling themselves on the street belonged to Bebe. More girls meant more power and Bebe needed to show these girls that they were in this until she said they could leave. There were a few girls who skimming from the top and doing jobs on the side and Bebe used them to set an example. For the first time Bebe did the dirty work for herself and obtained a gun, and those girls got what they had coming to them. This definitely set all of her other girls straight and never even think about double crossing Bebe.So when going down the sidewalks of South Park and there’s a girl on the curb there is a 9/10 chance they’re with Bebe.